Silk hair care & accessories

NEW Large Silk Hair Curler

for a voluminous hair curls

Enjoy your good night sleep and good hair days!
Made from 100% Natural Silk
Our Best-Seller

Silk Hair Curler

Perfect curls without ANY hair damage, and the best part - curler does its 'magic' during your sleep so you can wake up ready to go! Join thousands of women across EU using our silk hair curler!

Natural silk heatless curls, hair care and accessories by Kaleja Silks

Our story started with a bit of courage and loads of love. Today our team is able to share joy, love and passion for beauty in life through our products with you too! Let us be a small part of your everyday life and special moments! 

Love, Kaleja Silks

Clients reviews


Biju ļoti patīkami pārsteigta, kad pirmo izmēģinot matu rulli, manas ekspektācijas piepildījās pat vēl labāk, kā bija plānots! Tagad to lietoju katru reizi pēc matu mazgāšanas, jo ieveidošana prasa vien 5 min vakarā un 5min no rīta, kā arī netiek bojāti mati, tomēr izskatās izcili līdz pašam vakaram!🥰


Es esmu pārsteigta!! Tas ir neticami ,lokas tūrās vairākas dienas !
Mati perfekti mīksti nekādas dedzināšnas ar lokšķērēm
Viegli gulēt nekāda diskomforta .milzīgs paldies Sabīnei par šādu iespēju ! Komplektā vēl pasūtīju zīda spilvendrānu un nakts cepurīti ,rezultāts neliks ilgi gaidīt 🥰No sirds pateicos


Ideāls palīgs, lai iegūtu skaistas lokas, nav jādedzina mati ar taisnotāju, ar kuru veidotās lokas ātri izzuda, taču ar šo zīda rulli noturas pat vairākas dienas. Ērti lietojams un naktī netraucē gulēšanai.


Got myself one a while ago and fell in love, now I have purchased at least 2 more for my friends as gifts. Really, a super cool tool to curl your hair with. Comfortable too!

Anna Ozolina

I adore my curler! Might seem like a big investment compared to cheap alternatives, but trust me, I have tried them all and this one is WORTH THE PRICE! I threw my cheap, plastic ones out.

Love it!

Airita Marta